Status codes and errors

Possible status code responses when using the Regate API


The Regate API uses standard HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of an API request. Overall:

  • Codes in the 2xx range indicate a successfully processed request.
  • Codes in the 4xx range indicate that there was an error with the request (e.g. unauthorized access, missing required attribute, etc.).
  • Codes in the 5xx range indicate that there is an issue with Regate's servers. Those are quite rare.

List of error codes

Status codeReasonDescription
200OKSuccessful operation. Congratulations!
201CreatedReturned when a POST request was successful.
202No ContentReturned when a DELETE request was successfully processed.
401UnauthorizedInvalid authentication credentials, or the user has insufficient rights to perform the requested action.
403ForbiddenTriggered when the user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time. See Rate limiting for more details.
404Not foundThe URL has not been found.
406Not acceptableThe resource exists, but the response cannot be returned in the format specified in the Accept- header.
422Unprocessable EntityThe payload contains attribute values which contradict the Regate application logic. For example, a request to create an invoice where the total amount is lower than the VAT amount in the payload will be declined with this error code.
500Internal server errorThere is an issue on our side and we apologize. These types of errors will contain an error identifier in its description. Please contact our support team, providing the error identifier, and we will do our best to help.

Error response format

Depending on the error code that is being returned, the response formats may vary. Below we will list examples of the responses.

401 - Unauthorized

The errors array in the response will contain a string value explaining the error message - in this case "Access denied"

    "errors": [
        "Access denied"

403 - Forbidden

The response body will contain an error attribute, as well as error_description, providing information on why it was triggered.

    "error_description":"You have made too many attempts in a given amount of time."

404 - Not found

The errors array in the response will contain two attributes:

  • message - containing a description of the error
  • status - providing the status code, in this case 404
    "errors": [
            "message": "Couldn't find CustomerInvoice with 'id'=123456789",
            "status": 404

406 - Not acceptable

The response body is empty.

422 - Unprocessable entity

The response body may contain a number of attributes, depending on the amount of mistakes in the request body. Each attribute in the response is an array and has the name of the attribute in the request body which triggered an issue. The values in the array indicate the error descriptions for that attribute.

    "currency": [
        "is not included in the list"
    "customer_id": [
        "can't be blank"
    "due_date": [
        "can't be blank",
        "must be a valid date (e.g. 2023-01-31)"
    "lines": [
        "can't be blank",
        "must be an array"

500 - Internal server error

The response body will contain two attributes:

  • status - providing the error status code, in this case 500
  • error - containing a description of the error
    "status": 500,
    "error": "Internal Server Error"